PUREfrex® ver. 1.0 vs 2.0


PUREfrex®1.0 was launched in 2011, now we improved the protein productivity of PUREfrex®1.0 and named the advanced version “PUREfrex®2.0”.

We modified the preparation methods of all components that were purified from E.coli and optimized the factors’ composition. As a result of this modification, PUREfrex®2.0 achieved 2-10 times higher protein productivity than PUREfrex®1.0.

Furthermore, the yield of active form of protein which needs a proper folding to active was increased when synthesized in PUREfrex®2.0 with chaperon and/or disulfide bond isomerase.


PUREfrex®1.0 PUREfrex®2.0
The amount of DHFR production per one kit (250 μL) 40 μg 150 μg
How many kits need for 100μg of DHFR production? 660 μL (> 3kits) 160 μL (< 1kit)
The amount of GFP production per one kit (250 μL) 25 μg 200 μg
How many kits need for 100μg of GFP production? 1000 μL (> 4 kits) 125 μL (< 1kit)

Compare the activity of synthesized protein


Fluorescence of synthesized with PUREfrex®2.0 is more than 10 times higher than PUREfrex®1.0.

GFP activitySynthesized GFP


Acid phosphatase (AppA)

AppA from E.coli with 5 disulfide bonds, 1 of which is non-consecutive. The enzyme activity of synthesized AppA is increased when AppA synthesized with PUREfrex®2.0 and DsbC Set which contains disulfide bond isomerase DsbC.

AppA activity



The enzyme activity if luciferase is increased when luciferase synthesized with PUREfrex®2.0 and Dnak mix which contains DnaK, DnaJ and GrpE.

Luciferase activity


“PUREfrex® is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office”